Coping userforms in visual basic for excel
Coping userforms in visual basic for excel



Lesson 3-3: Excel VBA Controls' Properties and VBA Code Then you set the properties including the important ones "On Activate" and "On Close" Lesson 3- 2: Userforms Properties and VBA Code Section 3: Userforms and Controls In VBA for Excel


With VBA for Excel you can develop VBA procedures (macros) to work within in Excel while calling other Microsoft programs like Access, Notepad, Word, Project and even Windows Lesson 2-13: Code to talk with Windows and other Microsoft Programs FROM Excel You can use Excel's functionalities to connect and extract data but you can also use directly the SQL language. When you connect to outside sources of data (large databases, text files, other Excel workbooks, Access, etc.) the computer is using SQL (Structured Query Language) a specialized language to work with data. Lesson 2-12: Code for external data and SQL Discover the VARIANT type variable that allows you to execute 1,000,000 calculations in less than 5 seconds. When you don't want to hard code things and when the value of something changes put it in a variable. They are the KILL, the IF_THEN_ELSE_END, the SELECT-CASE, the DO_LOOP, the FOR_NEXT.Ĭreating new Excel functions, using the Excel functions in VBA and a few VBA functions. Most of your data in the form of a database. Lesson 2-8: Code for Excel Database and Filters Interacting with the user with minimal effort. Lesson 2-7: Code for Message and Input Boxes Improve your VBA vocabulary with 30 more words to work witin the worksheet: ActiveCell, ArrayFormula, Borders, Cells, ClearContents, ColorIndex,Column, Columns, Copy, Count, CurrentRegion, Delete, End, EntireRow, EntireColumn, False, Font, Formula, FormulaR1C1, Hidden, Insert, Interior, NumberFormat, Offset, PasteSpecial, Range, Rows, Row, Select, Selection, True, Value VBA Lesson 2-6: VBA for Excel Code for Range, Cells, Rows and Columns Moving from one to the other, copy/paste from one to the other, adding and deleting worksheets and even doing something on all of them. Working with one workbook, with THISWORKBOOK, with many workbooks and even with all the workbooks in a directory. VBA tells you when the code is wrong but what if the logic is wrong or what if the user gives a wrong answer. Find the right event.Ī few tips to make things easier when you start coding. Protect you code, your sheets and your computer.įor a procedure to start it must be triggered, you click on a button, you close a workbook, the value of a cell changes. The macro recorder is a great helper and teacher but it sometimes makes it complicated. You will run the macro that you have recorded. In this chapter you will learn about and try the Macro Recorder. If you want to do more the Macro Recorder is the best teacher and will be a great assistant even when you become an expert at programming in VBA. You can use the recorder to develop macros rapidly. Split your screen, use the F8* key and see what you procedure does in Excel step by step. Here is how you create a new VBA procedure from scratch. You are becoming so good that you don't need the macro recorder sometimes. Lesson 1- 5: Developing Macros in the VBE Lesson 1-4: The Code Window in the Visual Basic Editor of Excel The properties of the workbooks, the names of the modules and the properties of all the components of the userforms. Lesson 1-3: The Properties Window in the Visual Basic Editor of Excel Where you see all the open workbooks, where you add modules and userforms Lesson 1-2: The Project Window in the Visual Basic Editor of Excel You will modify and test these components and even make changes while you are testing your procedures step by step. You will create your procedures (macros) and userforms in the VBE. The most user friendly programming environment. Lesson 1-1: Visual Basic Editor (VBE) in Excel Learning about these terms helps you understand how VBA works. In English you have nouns, verbs, VBA you have objects, properties, methods and events. When these can't do the job anymore you need to develop useforms.īookmark this site and come back next weekĮlements of history to tell you where VBA comes from and who should learn VBA. To require information from the user or tell him something you have used message boxes and input boxes. VBA Lesson 3-1: Forms (Userforms) in VBA for Excel Master 15 new VBA words: Application, Calculation, Cursor, CutCopyMode, Dialogs, DisplayAlerts, EnableEvents, GoTo, Quit, ScreenUpdating, Timer, ChDir, ChDrive VBA Lesson 2-3: VBA for Excel Code for the Application The lesson available on line on the week starting Are only available from the desktop tutorial

Coping userforms in visual basic for excel